
01.5. – Ole Bjerg: Making Money – Berlin

At Archivebooks, most likely 7pm, I’m going to discuss with Ole Bjerg, CBS Copenhagen, his most recent book: Making Money: the Philosophy of Crisis Capitalism. Come, it’s going to be fun, great book!


Sparzwang und Zahlungsversprechen

22.10. Vortrag und Diskussion mit Heinz Bude in der Schaubühne


Claudia Mareis: Design als Wissenskultur

despite the clumsy title an excellent introduction into the various schools of design theory.


Matteo Pasquinelli: Network Surplus Value

Machinic Capitalism and Network Surplus Value: Towards a Political Economy of the Turing Machine reads the full title of an essay that Matteo Pasquinelli put online as pdf. We had long debates and I have my doubts about Marx’ concept of value in general (which to me looks like a smokescreen to introduce and hide […]


Christopher Newfield: Devolving public universities

Radical Philosophy. On the downgrading cycle of American higher education.


David Graeber: Debt. The first 5000 years

great book. not first money then credit. but first credit then money (used to finance wars…)


Michael Lewis: Liar’s Poker

how to become a banker, a view from inside. Made me think about novels in general. The invented story vs. the first hand account. The later comes with general access to writing. Whilst the professional author is a creature of the book market.


Controlling the Network

In the light of recent claim of internet activities driving political events the question of how to control a network gained some importance. Controllability of Complex Networks


Bildakt, Kunst- oder Bildtheorie

Bilder sind nicht Dulder, sondern Erzeuger von wahrnehmungsbezogenen Erfahrungen und Handlungen, schreibt Horst Bredekamp in seinem eben erschienen Werk Theorie des Bildakts (326).


The problem in the first place

What Malcom Gladwell writes on technological innovation and problems in the first place is naive: The lesson here is that just because innovations in communications technology happen does not mean that they matter;


Warten auf politische Literatur

mit Frank Schirrmacher. Erst politisch, dann experimentell (ein Stück der Moderne kann man gut als Hermetik und Eskapismus lesen), ist die deutsche Literatur heute auf den heimeligen und vergangenheits-schweren Möchtegern-Seller als Wunschmodell gekommen.


Party-Politics as Theatre

we miss what’s really going on by focusing on the show of elections and the competition between parties. This is the theatre of electoral politics…

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